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时间:2023-05-04    浏览量:

姓 名何勇

性 别

职 务数据科学与统计系主任





[1] 基于不确定性环境下最优投资再保险问题研究(2022M712619),第71批博士后科学基金面上项目,2022.9-2024.9,主持。

[2] 基于鲁棒随机控制理论的一类最优投资再保险问题研究(CSTB2022NSCQ-MSX0256),重庆市科技局自然科学基金面上项目, 2022.8.1-2025.7.31,主持。

[3] 供应链金融创新助推成渝双城经济圈产业协同发展的理论逻辑与路径选择研究(CSTB2022TFII-OIX0005),重庆市科技局技术预见与制度创新项目,2022.7.1--2022.12.31,主持。

[4] 基于粗糙Heston模型的鲁棒投资再保险问题研究(KJZD-K202201502),重庆市教委科技项目重点课题,2022.10.1-2025.9.30,主持。

[5] 基于不确定信息的鲁棒投资问题研究(21SKGH260) ,重庆市教育委员会人文社科项目, 2021.9-2023.9,主持。

[6] 同类资产收益波动率跳的传染性模型及资产期权定价模型研究(KJQN201801529),重庆市教委科技项目,2018.9-2021.9,主持。

[7] 基于衍生品最优投资问题研究(JBK2007190),中央高校(西南财经大学)博士研究生科研项目,2019.1-2020.1,主持。

[8] 量子多方通信协议研究(KJ1713339),重庆市教委科技项目,2017.9-2019.9,主持。


[1]Yong He(何勇),Bo Xu.Infinitely many periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations, Applied Mathematical Letter, 2014, 38:149-154. SCI检索.

[2]Yong He(何勇),Peimin Chen, A dynamic Heston local-stochastic volatility model and Legendre transform dual-asymptotic solution for optimal investment strategy problems with CARA utility ,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2023. SCI检索.

[3]Yong He(何勇),Peimin Chen.Optimal investment strategy with constant absolute risk aversion utility under an extended CEV model, Optimization.2022, 71(15):4603–4633. SCI检索.

[4]Yong He(何勇) , Xia Zhou ,An analytical solution for the robust investment reinsurance strategy with general utilities, North American Journal of Economics and Finance,2022. 63,101789, SSCI/SCI检索.

[5]Yong He(何勇). Partial exact controllability for wave equations, System Control Letters, 2017, 103:45-49. SCI检索.

[6]Yong He(何勇). Switching controls for linear stochasti c differential systems,Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2020, 10(2):443-454. SCI检索.

[7]Yong He(何勇),Minxing Luo. Controlled unknown quantum operations on hybrid systems, Chinese Physics B, 2016, 22(5):612-619. SCI检索.

[8]Yong He(何勇). Exact controllability for wave equati ons with switching controls, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2018, 46(4):144-171. SCI检索.

[9]Yong He(何勇), Dengsheng Chen,Mean field and n-insurers games for robust optimal reinsurance-investment in correlated markets. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,2022, SCI检索.

[10]Yu Jia, Liyun Su,Yong He(何勇,通讯作者), An efficient numerical method for the robust optimal investment problem with general utility functions, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,2023,19(8) :6200-6217. SCI检索.

[11]Dengsheng Chen,Yong He(通讯作者),Ziqiang Li,Robust optimal reinsurance-investment for alpha-maxmin mean-variance utility under Heston’s SV model,North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 67 (2023) 101921. SCI检索.

[12]Xia Zhou, Peimin Chen, Jiawei Zhang,Jingwen Tu,Yong He(何勇,通讯作者),The optimal investment-reinsurance strategies for ambiguity aversion insurer in uncertain environment, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2023,19(6) : 4551-4590. SCI检索.

[13]Yong He(何勇). The improved evolution paths to speed up quantum evolution,International Journal of Theoretical Physics,2016,45(12):202-209. SCI检索.

[14]Yong He(何勇) ,Minxing Luo. Hyper CNOT and hyper bell state analysis assisted by qua-ntum dots in double-side optical microcavities, International Journal of Theo-retical Physics, 2016, 41(11):312-321. SCI检索.

[15]Yong He(何勇). Decompositions of n-quit toffoli gates with linear complexity, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2017, 12(9):178-186. SCI检索.

[16]Chengjun Liu, Jingwen Tu,Yong He(何勇), Measurement of China’s Human Development Index and Analysis of Its Influencing Factors from the Perspective of New Development Concept, Social Indicators, Research,2023. SSCI检索.

[17] Jia Yin Peng andYong He(何勇), Cyclic Controlled Remote Implementation of Partially Unknown Quantum Operati ons,International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2019 58:3065–3072. SCI检索.

[18] Jia Yin Peng and Yong He(何勇) , Annular Controlled Teleportation, International Journal of Theoretical Physics,2019, 58:3271-3281. SCI检索.


[20]何勇,徐博. 带无界非线性项的两点边值振荡问题, 四川师范大学学报自然科学版, 2016,4.北大核心.

[21]何勇,徐博. 半线性椭圆方程Neumann问题的无穷多解, 四川师范大学学报自然科学版, 2017,5.北大核心.
